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TLS® ACTS Adrenal, Cortisol, Thyroid & Stress Support Formula

sku HK6460

HK$559.00 HKD

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  • Helps the body adapt to stress
  • Helps support better emotional responses to stress
  • May help in minimizing stress-related issues (weight gain, difficulty sleeping, etc.)
  • Helps to support better mood changes
  • May help reduce occasional fatigue associated with stress
  • Supports mental clarity in times of stress

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Product Classifications

Gluten-Free - The finished product contains no detectable gluten*

Vegan - The product is made without ingredients produced by or derived from animals

Quality Standards - GMP Operations and Standardized Ingredients

Checked For: Heavy Metals, Microbiological Contaminants, Allergens, Potency, Purity and Identity

*USA FDA classifies gluten-free as a finished product containing less than 20PPM gluten


Your job demands a lot of your time. Your family demands just as much, if not more. Trips to the mailbox are greeted by bills. Every day, life is taking its toll on you. Even in seemingly good times, stress is something we cannot escape; not only does it have a harmful effect on us mentally, but it can also wreak havoc on us physically — including on our waistlines.

When we are faced with stress, our bodies go into "fight or flight" response. This response used to be beneficial to our ancestors, allowing their bodies to physically fight or run away when faced with danger. But in today’s society, this response acts much differently, taking place as a result of stressful days at the office or traffic jam on your way home. The response is supposed to return to normal once the perceived threat is gone, but if the body is unable to return to normalcy due to increased stress levels, it could have a negative effect upon the body with symptoms including fatigue, an imbalance in blood sugar levels, and increased abdominal (adipose) fat.

TLS ACTS Adrenal, Cortisol, Thyroid & Stress Support Formula is specially formulated with Eleuthero Root (Eleutherococcus senticosus) Extract, panax ginseng extract, passion flower extract, ashwagandha  extract (Sensoril™), Rhodiola rosea root extract, Schisandra chinensis fruit extract, vitamins and minerals The product supports the body’s natural ability to adapt to the stress of everyday life. Unlike the competitors, TLS ACTS doesn't just mask the problem of weight gain — it addresses the root of the problem by helping your body adapt to stress and assisting you with your weight management goals.

*Sensoril™ is a trademark of Natreon, Inc.

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Eleuthero Root (Eleutherococcus senticosus) Extract
Research has shown that eleuthero root, also known as 'Siberian ginseng,' has antioxidant, adaptogenic, sedative, as well as many other effects. Other research suggests that it may help to support feelings of well-being, reduce occasional fatigue, and improve memory and cognitive performance.

Panax ginseng Extract

Panax ginseng is found in North America and eastern Asia typically in cooler climates.  It is believed to support and maintain overall health.

Ashwagandha Extract (Sensoril™)
Ashwagandha is cultivated in many regions of India and is a short, tender perennial shrub. Also known as Withania somnifera, it has a history of use in Ayurvedic medicine. Ashwagandha has antioxidant and sedative properties. It has been proven to act as an adaptogen by helping to inhibit occasional fatigue, boost energy, promote emotional well-being and counteract the negative effects of stress.

Passionflower Extract

Passion flower has sedative and relaxation effects. Some studies have pointed to the flavonoids in passion flower such as apigenin, vitexin and isovitexin as the primary constituents responsible for its effects. Research suggests apigenin can bind to central benzodiazepine receptors in the brain, possibly causing relaxation and helping regulate mood without impairing memory or motor skills.

Rhodiola rosea Extract
Rhodiola, or roseroot, acts as an antioxidant and adaptogen, promotes relaxation and mental clarity, and helps to improve mood. Research suggests that salidroside, one of over 30 compounds found in rhodiola, is responsible for its stimulating and adaptogenic effects. Within the brain, rhodiola appears to influence the level, activity and transport of monoamine neurotransmitters. Rhodiola may help to promote healthy neurotransmitter levels.

Schisandra chinensis Fruit Extract
Schizandra is a woody vine native to forests of Northern China and the Russian Far East. It is used to maintain overall health.


How should I take this product?
This product is for ADULT USE ONLY. Take 2 tablets once daily with 240 ml of water. Do not exceed 2 tablets daily. Taking more than the recommended dosage does not help.

What other nutritional supplements of Market Hong Kong could augment the biological effects of this product?
Isotonix® Advanced B-Complex Powder Drink and Isotonix Multivitamin Powder Drink could augment the biological effects of TLS ACTS.

What are the contraindications for this supplement?
If you are currently taking warfarin (Coumadin), other anti-platelet/anti-coagulant medications, antihypertensive medications, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications or have an ongoing medical condition, you should consult your health care provider before using this product. If you have hyperthyroidism, you should not take this product. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use this product. This product may decrease the effects of stimulants and caffeine.

Can I take TLS ACTS instead of my prescription?
No. TLS ACTS is not intended to replace any prescription medication. TLS ACTS is intended for use during or after engaging in stressful activities. You should contact your doctor before changing or discontinuing the use of any prescription medications.

If I am on a prescription for anxiety, is it safe to use TLS ACTS?
You should consult your doctor before taking any dietary supplement. The ingredients in TLS ACTS may have side effects, so make sure to contact your doctor before mixing them.

How does TLS ACTS support weight management?
When our bodies experience stress we switch into 'fight or flight' mode. This response used to be beneficial to our ancestors, but now this response can be triggered in not so appropriate situations and repetitively. Stress can physically cause us to put on extra weight — and keep it there. TLS ACTS is a natural dietary supplement designed to help the body adapt to stress.

Is TLS ACTS a vegetarian product?
Yes. TLS ACTS is a vegetarian product.

Is TLS ACTS safe?
The product is safe and free of harmful agents. This product is made in the United States in FDA-inspected facilities using Good Manufacturing Practices. Customers can have confidence in the quality and safety of this product.


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  • Archana, R., et al. Antistressor effect of Withania somnifera . Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 64(1): 91-93, 1999.
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  • Davydov, M. and Krikorian, A. Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr. & Maxim.) Maxim. (Araliaceae) as an adaptogen: a closer look. , 2000.
  • Dhawan, K., et al. Anti-anxiety studies on extracts of Passiflora incarnata Linneaus . Journal of Ethnopharmacology.. 78(2-3): 165-170, 2001.
  • Dhuley, J. Adaptogenic and cardioprotective action of ashwagandha in rats and frogs. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 70(1): 57-63, 2000.
  • Dhuley, J. Effect of ashwagandha on lipid peroxidation in stress-induced animals. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 60(2): 173-178, 1998.
  • Gaffney, B., et al. Panax ginseng and Eleutherococcus senticosus may exaggerate an already existing biphasic response to stress via inhibition of enzymes which limit the binding of stress hormones to their receptors. Medical Hypotheses. 56(5): 567-572, 2001.
  • Head, K. and Kelly, G. Nutrients and botanicals for treatment of stress: adrenal fatigue, neurotransmitter imbalance, anxiety, and restless sleep. Alternative Medicine Review. 14(2): 114-140, 2009.
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  • Khanum, F., et al. Rhodiola rosea : a versatile adaptogen. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 4:55-62, 2005.
  • Panda, S. and Kar, A. combined effects of ashwagandha, guggulu and bauhinia extracts in the regulation of thyroid function and on lipid peroxidation in mice. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 6(3): 141-143, 2000 .
  • Panda, S. and Kar, A. Withania somnifera and Bauhinia purpurea in the regulation of circulating thyroid hormone concentrations in female mice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 67(2): 233-239, 1999.
  • Spasov, A. A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of the stimulating and adaptogenic effect of Rhodiola rosea SHR-5 extract on the fatigue of students caused by stress during an examination period with a repeated low-dose regimen. Phytomedicine 7(2): 85-89, 2000.


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都市人真係好大壓力, 壓力都會影響到我哋去減少脂肪嘅進展,食咗佢之後個人都放鬆啲


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